Indrek Vijard (s 1965) juhatab lisaks Kalevile veel Tallinna Ülikooli meeskoori ning töötab Nõmme Muusikakooli direktorina. Ta on lõpetanud Tallinna Muusikakeskkooli 1983. a klaveri erialal ning Tallinna Riikliku Konservatooriumi (praegune Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia) 1990. a kooridirigeerimise erialal (prof Kuno Areng).
Indrek Vijard on juhatanud mees- ja poistekoore mitmetel laulupidudel ja laulupäevadel.

Indrek Vijard (b 1965) currently works with Estonian United Boys’ Choir and Male Choir of Tallinn University. He is also the principal of the Nõmme Music School in Tallinn. He graduated from Tallinn Music High School as a pianist in 1983 and from Tallinn State Conservatoire (now Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) as a choral conductor, with Prof Kuno Areng in 1990. As a well-known and respected musician, Indrek Vijard has repeatedly been among the conductors of Estonian Song Celebrations.

Kuldar Schüts (s 1987) on lõpetanud Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia koorijuhtimise eriala cum laude prof Ants Üleoja dirigeerimisklassis. Ta on laulnud
erinevates koorides ja ansamblites ning osalenud mitmetes projektides. Käesoleval ajal on ta koosseisuline laulja ja koormeister Eesti Rahvusmeeskooris ning Inseneride Meeskoori, EMLS üle-eestilise poistekoori Kalev ja Kalamaja segakoori dirigent. Kuldar Schüts pälvis 2008. a Gustav Ernesaksa nim õppestipendiumi ning 2009. a „Tallinn 2009” konkursil noore dirigendi eripreemia. Ta debüteeris poistekooride
dirigendina laulupeol 2014. a ja on sellest ajast juhatanud laulupidudel poistekoore.

Kuldar Schüts (b 1987) graduated from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre with professor Ants Üleoja in 2012 cum laude. He has sung in many choirs (he is an alumnus of boys’ choir Kalev) and ensembles and has taken part in numerous projects. At the moment, he is a singer and choir master at the Estonian National Male Choir.
Kuldar started working with choirs during his studies and is now conductor of Engineers Male Choir, Estonian United Boys’ Choir Kalev of Estonian Male Choirs’ Association and Kalamaja Mixed Choir. In 2008, Kuldar Schüts was awarded the Gustav Ernesaks Grant and in 2009 he won the Young Conductor’s Prize at the 11th International Choir Festival Tallinn 2007.
He debuted as boys’ choirs’ conductor at XXVI Estonian Song Celebration in 2014 and has been conducting boys’ choirs at Estonian Song Celebrations since then.